There are several documentaries running right now showcasing individuals struggling to find work in this economic mess. It doesn't go unnoticed many are in the 50+ crowd. To their credit, they are shown at various networking functions and support groups. Getting out of the house is a big step.
Still, I find myself frustrated and practically shouting at the television screen at times. Footage runs of individuals standing up in front of various groups or talking one-on-with others and relaying what types of opportunities they are looking for. Yay for being brave and getting the word out, but almost every time the person is talking about what they've done in the past and how they are hoping to find something similar. Guess what, something similar might not exist anymore! Using the time you have in front of others to ask for help finding something like what you had isn't a good strategy.
Older candidates have a wealth of experience under their belts that is valuable and transferable to all sorts of situations. The key is to stop living in the past and look to the future. Examine what you have to bring to the table in general terms, weigh it against current business, social and political happenings and figure out where you fit. Where are your skills and abilities most likely to be relevant? How can you help a company or organization survive and grow through the next few years?
Now more than ever job seekers have to be part of the idea process. They have to be the ones showing a paralyzed business community how making a hire right now, namely them, is necessary and will benefit everyone in the end. The mood at the moment is more that businesses need to start hiring so people won't lose their homes and so people can feel useful again. Businesses aren't charities though. They can't hire from the heart, they have to hire from the balance sheet. Job seekers who have taken a time to truly consider how they can positively affect a company's balance sheet, regardless if that company is advertising for openings or not, have an edge.
Forget about what you've done in the past. Stop looking for what you lost. Instead, focus on the experience you've gained along the way and dissect it to the point you are able to pull from it evidence you have what it takes to help a company's cash position. I can't think of a business owner who wouldn't be willing to give an ear, and possibly a job, to someone with a clear plan on how to make a company more successful.
Monday, November 2, 2009
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Lisa, how does one convince an interviewer that yes it is possible to be part of two separate unrelated workforce reductions in the same month?